Get To Know Me
When it comes to the North Shore and Merrimack Valley area, there’s no one better to turn to than Jean Willoughby Realty.
My first priority as your agent is to is to treat you as the most important person in the process of buying and selling real estate. I naturally enjoy helping match the right people with the right opportunities. My network enables me to open doors for my clients on all sides of the property equation. I make it a point to be involved and stay involved throughout all stages of the real estate process. I’ll guide you every step of the way, whether you’re looking to buy or sell.
Before I Was an Agent
Advocating for Children with Disabilities
Sales and marketing has always been my passion. Along the way, I have been able to leverage my sales background to enhance my other passion for Special Education. Special Education has always been near and dear to my heart which has lead me to become an Educational Parent Consultant, a Lobbyist, Recruiter and a Special Education Parent Advisory Council chair.
While my children were young, I stayed home with them, but was far from Idle. I grew a successful home-based business which I ran for over 10 years. Sales and personal interaction to help and assist you is truely my passion. I enjoy helping people!